Wales is currently at Alert Level 0
Here is a link to the latest Welsh Government guidance in place for the events industry
Below are some links to help members through these uncertain financial and wellbeing times.
Support for...
We Make Events Cymru is not responsible for the content of third party websites. If you find a broken link please
email us to let us know so that we can update the information displayed at info@wemakeevents.cymru
Welsh Business Support
The UK Government has published 14 guides covering a range of different types of work. Many businesses operate more than one type of workplace, such as an office, factory and fleet of vehicles. You may need to use more than one of these guides as you think through what you need to do to keep yourselves, employees and members of the public who use your services safe.
Business Wales
The Welsh Government provides information on their flexible support service for small businesses, events, directories, opportunities and resources. Click the button below to visit the Business Wales dedicated Covid-19 Support for Business website which provides a central resource for a number of support schemes available to Welsh Businesses
Or Call Business Wales on
03000 6 03000
Local Authorities
In addition businesses in the Live Events Industry also qualify for funding distributed by individual local authorities relating to the retail and hospitality sector. These grants are often linked to the initial Non Domestic Rates Grants that were announced by the UK Government in March 2020. Subsequent rounds of discretionary funds have been administered locally subject to local authority interpretation of these grants. Click on your local authority logo below to find more support.
restrictions business fund
The Extended Restrictions Business Fund has now closed to new applications.
Please continue to check your Local Authorities website for access to any new business support.
Any more support will be added here as and when it is announced...
Support for Individuals
Financial Support for Individuals
The Welsh Government provides information and guidance on support for individuals. Click the button below to visit the Gov.Wales website dedicated Covid-19 Support for Individuals page which provides a central resource for a number of support schemes and guidance available to individuals living in Wales.
Personal Health and Mental Wellbeing
The important thing to remember when you are facing a personal crisis or feel you are on your own, is to remember that you are not. The saying goes "A problem shared is a problem halved." So pick up the phone to a friend or colleague, use the members directory at WeMakeEvents.Cymru to find someone in the same work area, employment situation or just pick someone at random and tell them about it. We are a truly supportive industry and we don't want anyone to go through this alone. Below there are also some links to professional organisations that will also be able to help.
C.A.L.L Mental Health Helpline For Wales
Community Advice & Listening Line
Offering a confidential listening and support service 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Freephone 0800 132 737
Or text help to 81066